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Grading Scale


Grades 1-3 will use letter grades on the report card.

Grades 4-8 will use numeric grades on report cards


A = 95-100 B+ = 90 – 94 B = 85 – 89

C+ = 80 – 84      C = 75 – 79 D = 70 – 74

F = Below 70

* = with accommodations I = Incomplete


Specials (Phys. Ed., Music, Art, Computer Ed., Library, etc.)


O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory I = Improvement Needed


Pre-K and Kindergarten will use Basic Skills Based Assessment for report cards and are distributed during the 2nd and 4th marking periods


Report Cards for Grades 2-8 are issued at the end of every quarter. First grade receives a report card beginning with the second quarter.


Conferences are held after the First Quarter and then by appointment with your child’s teacher.


Interim Progress Reports are issued in the mid-quarter to alert parents to difficulties/successes the student is having.

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